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Thursday Folders will go home every Thursday afternoon. Please have your child bring the folder back the next day. The folder will contain information including communication, behavior reports and/or graded work.


Click here for a printable version of our schedule. 


WHES is a PBIS school.  PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports.  This year we are focusing on leadership and goals.  Our clip chart is modeled after The 7 Habits of Happy Kids.  Click here for more information: 

Every classroom has a clip chart and every student chooses a habit as their goal for the day.  Students who reach their goal, flip their clip over.  Students who display off-task behavior will be given one warning.  If subsequent behaviors continue, the following steps will take place with each additional occurrence: the student will move to refocus and reflect and if we still need to work on the behavior then receive documentation, and if the behavior is severe, then receive a referral. 
Students will also receive HERO bucks for following the WHES way: Safe, Ready, Responsible & Polite.  These can be turned in for various classroom rewards:  pick a prize, sit in a special chair, switch seats for a day, homework pass, and lunch with teacher.  Students can also receive a positive referral for going above and beyond!


Students will be recording their homework daily in their agendas. Homework is given Monday - Thursday. Weekly homework will usually consist of:

  • 20 minutes of reading every night

  • Math 2 nights a week

  • Word study/Math Facts will rotate throughout the week


Read to see our classroom policies

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